To think that a sound from your lips, a thought, a smile, a breath from your lungs
are anything but my possession, to act as though you’re free to do as you want, that is the true madness here.
Who gave you the idea you could just walk out when you felt like it. Tell me, they
will fall by my hand sooner than the moon travels the sky.
You are mine, you gave yourself up when you wanted a place in my heart, and I told you
there is no way out. I told you there is no turning back.
You had no right to disappear, since I didn’t issue it.
I am left with these decaying shadows of your nasty sides, and I never approved of them.
I accepted them holding hands with you, but now you are gone and they roam free in the
echoing corridors of my heart.
Where you’ve gone, where you’re happy, I have no sight of. No trace.
The question is who is the darker devil, you for doing it or me for placing you in a position
where you would be able to. For letting myself be convinced you wouldn’t, cause you couldn’t,
no you said you shouldn’t.
But you did, because everyone does. My problem is I said no I won’t have it, this emotional rape people put up with,
and now I’m there.
But it doesn’t matter, you wanted in, you are in. Now I want my deal of the bargain.
You have nothing on me because your lips and breath and eyes, they’re all still mine.
I own you, and I say come back or I will make them go away.