Listen now
I am afraid of everything
When you told me I was special
It was the happiest moment for a long long time.
- The Knife.
Been at the hospital all day. To recap, they stole my blood,
poked me and let me wait for about 5 hours all in all.
Cause Swedish medical shizz is awesome.
(Cause Blizzard response team is awesome)
Turns out I have something called glandular fever.
Which basically means your throat swells up like fuck, so you can't eat or drink.
And you have a fever. And your head hurts constantly. And blahblah.
Thing is, they can't do anything about it, and I'll just have to wait it out, which can take up to 3 weeks. Awesome.
They wanted me to stay at the hospital at first, but since I'm still able to force down soup and all, I got out of that one. Fucking hate hospitals. Firstly the smell, it's just so "hello, you're among 100's of sick people, enjoy :D"
Then the fact that everything's so sterile and white. And then the fact that if you have to stay there over a couple of nights you'll want to shoot yourself instead of getting better.
and oh, worst thing about this; try being hungry all the time without being able to eat : D
It's like a diet for fat people. I feel their pain.
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