I'm not sure : DDD
Hokay, but then this girl stole my lunch so i was like OKAY THAT AINT RIGHT. So she said something that marked if I gave her an attitude about it, shit would hit the fan. So I said well, I just don't think that's right. Then the whole school turned against me and closed in on me, and they were all pretty pissed off.
This was all in some sort of cafeteria btw.
All of the sudden, I'm outside, all the buildings or houses were made out of wood btw. Hm.
And there was such a huge crowd now, and they really hated me. I don't remember how, but it turned into a witch hunt of, me : D and I somehow got away from the situation.
Now the light was like it is at sunset, shining sort of vaguely through the pine trees and behind the houses. People were running around, looking for me but only some even knew what I looked like. They were sort of having a war against eachother as well I think. Because the focus wasn't only on me.
Then this old friend of mine stood there, in front of me. She told me to hide in the house behind her, and I knew by her look it was the last thing she'd ever do for me, and if they found me anyway, she would look the other way.
I went into the house, they'd soon come look for me, I was so stressed. I ran down to the basement and there was some guy down there, but he didnt mind me, so that's where I decided to hide. Now, if it was him, or someone else, maybe my friend, i don't remember, but someone told me to put a batman suit on so no one would know it was me, so I did of course, since it made so much sense. There were all these costumes and masks down there. One guy came down the stairs, he didn't recognize me, and went away again. A girl came down and looked at me, then a picture she had. Then she knew it was me, and we had a fight with swords. Very dramatic : D
I won.
The guy who was in the basement from the start had sort of been asleep or something. When I'd won, the girl was dead or gone. And he woke up and congratulated me and hugged me. I was happy and relieved and then that all changed in a heartbeat to shock and I realised who it was and he lifted me up and spinned around with me. Then there was a door, and I opened it and locked it behind me, and thought about the people still looking for me as well as who was on the other side and I couldn't believe it. Then I went out again and he asked if I was alright. And I said yes. Then we walked up from the basement and hurried through a hall, and rooms, got to some stairs and went upstairs. The house all of the sudden belonged to this girl I kinda know who it is irl, and we were in her room, and I said no, we have to go somewhere else, her family will be home soon. The war thing was kinda over at this point by the way. As well as their search for me. Just like that, yes.
We went downstairs again and her whole family was at the dinner table, but they were all totally fine with us coming down the stairs, like it was perfectly normal. They asked us to sit down so we did, and had dinner. The dad was reading the paper and said something like, ah you two.
And we sat there, and then he poked me and I said no, I'm eating.
Then we got up, and left. He held my hand.
Red Blood
Blood is black in the moonlight
Around here the moon's always up
Around here the moon's always up
Around here the moon's always up
That's why I keep it out of sight
Reminded of that missed flight
Written all over the sky
Can't keep on wishing we could fly
Swirls in the corner of my eye catch my attention a bit too often
A bit more often than they ever used to
Are they your fault or mine?
I know what you told me
I know I have to listen
I know you speak the truth
What is left is to figure out how
Whatever can be cannot be now

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