“Rita – You’ve got to challenge death an’ disease. I read this poem about fightin’ death…
Frank – Ah, Dylan Thomas …
Rita – No, Roger McGough. It was about this old man who runs away from hospital an’ goes out the ale. He gets pissed and stands in the street shoutin’ an’ challengin’ death to come out an’ fight. It’s dead good.
Frank – Yes. I don’t think I know the actual piece you mean …
Rita – I’ll bring y’ the book. It’s great.
Frank – Thank you.
Rita – You probably won’t think it’s any good.
Frank – Why?
Rita – It’s the sort of poetry you can understand.”
“Frank – found a culture have you Rita? Found a better song to sing have you ? No- you’ve found a different song that’s all – and on your lips it’s shrill and hollow and tuneless. “
Rita - …I don’t need you. I’ve got a room full of books. I know what clothes to wear, what wine to buy, what plays to see, what papers and books to read. I can do without you.
- Is that all you wanted. Have you come all this way for so very, very little ?"
“You think I just ended up with a load of quotes an’ empty phrases, an’ I did. But that wasn’t your doin’. I was so hungry. I wanted it all so much that I didn’t want it to be questioned. I told y’ I was stupid. It’s like Trish, y’ know my flatmate, I though she was so cool an’ together – I came home the other night an’ she’d tried to top herself. Magic isn’t it ? She spends half her life eatin’ wholefoods an’ health foods to make her live longer, an’ the other half tryin’ to kill herself.”
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