15 Nov 2009

eddie's pizza. hahah. i want that tshirt.

i see you out there honey.
i see you out there in my front yard.
diggin up holes and shit.
what do i gotta do to get you to go away?
open up the front door and throw you a boneeee.


saraxx said...

jag vill se miike snow. men jag är pank D; (and sad because of it!) 'nother time maybe. <3

Cassie said...

damn. men om det är på mejeriet kanske linnea jobbarrr.

saraxx said...

spelar han där då? trodde det va i malmö..?

Cassie said...

njae jag vet inte. ill find out!

saraxx said...

keep me updated! (but im still broke, so it doesn't rly matter!) D;

tumblr: http://crystalshipsdecoded.tumblr.com/