29 Dec 2008
22 Dec 2008
så länge hjärtat mitt slår
så minns jag dig när
du stack ett hål i min kevlarsjäl
och så blev du mitt sår
och jag blöder ihjäl
kom gör ett hål i min kevlarsjäl.
once there was a stain
then there was a cut
some things will not ever get washed out.
once she laid down
then she stayed down
sometimes it is better to stay away from the windows.
once there was green smoke
then there was bliss&beauty
some say it is the wrong way out and right they are.
once hands got hold of her body
then there was no other comfort
some would say it was cold hearted and right they are.
once she closed her soul
then she squeezed it to death
sometimes that is what the time calls for.
Hands stretched out of the unexpected
Turned the record over.
Whispers from far away
Brought sunlight upon her skin.
Crimson was still pouring from her eyes
Sent kisses took it away, promises kept it away.
Warmth of voices woke her heart up.
A girl lied on the floating floor
Closed eyes brought hands and arms and a sweet voice
Opened eyes brought the cold that is reality
A second, a minute, an hour, a day, a month, a year
one which will be spent with open eyes and hands and arms and sweet voices.
That is the reason
yes keep blinking.
That is the reason
for a moment there will be no drip.drop.drip.drop.
I need a cig.
20 Dec 2008
så nära får ingen gå.
Jag vill ha din ryggrad här
Fäst den i mig
Jag är alltid tryggast när
du är en liten bit ifrån
en rörelse i ögonvrån...
Lägg dig ner i gräset nu
Du är så varm här
Jag vill ha min tunga där
du är, så nära att du blir våt
men så nära får ingen gå...
Lägg dig ner precis som du alltid gör när
Jag vill ha min tunga där
du är, så nära att du blir våt
men så nära får ingen gå.
Jai perdu mes repères
Je nage en eau trouble
Emmène-moi aussi loin que possible
Les paysages défilent et la brume se dissipe
Grâce à toi à nouveau je respire.
18 Dec 2008
exaggerated expressions ftw
so it shows through the blurriness
well I do it IRL too sometimes.
also so it shows through the blurriness!
eat truth bitches.
like the moment when your brakes lock and you slide toward the big truck and stretch the frozen moments with your fear and you'll never hear their voices and you'll never see their faces you have no recourse to the law anymore and as the windshield melts my tears evaporate leaving only charcoal to defend.
16 Dec 2008
it's louder than the bombs when they come screaming in
it's louder than the bombs when they come screaming in.

I'm still at the front. But I don't, I don't fight.
I'm still in my trench. Cause I keep, the defence.
I'm gonna sit down tonight. Waiting.
You showing up at the horizon.
My feet are nailed to this spot
Morning sunrays touching my face
So lovely
Second before it wakes me up
My hand reaches for your non existing presence
Hanging out of the window
But you can't have left if you were never here
I think I broke my neck
I think I lost my head
But it's around here somewhere
I'll keep to my bubble
Reality is too harsh on me now
In here,
You're always there.
Playing the piano with your feet
Kisses that are too light to exist.

12 Dec 2008
pseudo-romantic dreams boiling in my blood.
I'm not sure : DDD
Hokay, but then this girl stole my lunch so i was like OKAY THAT AINT RIGHT. So she said something that marked if I gave her an attitude about it, shit would hit the fan. So I said well, I just don't think that's right. Then the whole school turned against me and closed in on me, and they were all pretty pissed off.
This was all in some sort of cafeteria btw.
All of the sudden, I'm outside, all the buildings or houses were made out of wood btw. Hm.
And there was such a huge crowd now, and they really hated me. I don't remember how, but it turned into a witch hunt of, me : D and I somehow got away from the situation.
Now the light was like it is at sunset, shining sort of vaguely through the pine trees and behind the houses. People were running around, looking for me but only some even knew what I looked like. They were sort of having a war against eachother as well I think. Because the focus wasn't only on me.
Then this old friend of mine stood there, in front of me. She told me to hide in the house behind her, and I knew by her look it was the last thing she'd ever do for me, and if they found me anyway, she would look the other way.
I went into the house, they'd soon come look for me, I was so stressed. I ran down to the basement and there was some guy down there, but he didnt mind me, so that's where I decided to hide. Now, if it was him, or someone else, maybe my friend, i don't remember, but someone told me to put a batman suit on so no one would know it was me, so I did of course, since it made so much sense. There were all these costumes and masks down there. One guy came down the stairs, he didn't recognize me, and went away again. A girl came down and looked at me, then a picture she had. Then she knew it was me, and we had a fight with swords. Very dramatic : D
I won.
The guy who was in the basement from the start had sort of been asleep or something. When I'd won, the girl was dead or gone. And he woke up and congratulated me and hugged me. I was happy and relieved and then that all changed in a heartbeat to shock and I realised who it was and he lifted me up and spinned around with me. Then there was a door, and I opened it and locked it behind me, and thought about the people still looking for me as well as who was on the other side and I couldn't believe it. Then I went out again and he asked if I was alright. And I said yes. Then we walked up from the basement and hurried through a hall, and rooms, got to some stairs and went upstairs. The house all of the sudden belonged to this girl I kinda know who it is irl, and we were in her room, and I said no, we have to go somewhere else, her family will be home soon. The war thing was kinda over at this point by the way. As well as their search for me. Just like that, yes.
We went downstairs again and her whole family was at the dinner table, but they were all totally fine with us coming down the stairs, like it was perfectly normal. They asked us to sit down so we did, and had dinner. The dad was reading the paper and said something like, ah you two.
And we sat there, and then he poked me and I said no, I'm eating.
Then we got up, and left. He held my hand.
Red Blood
Blood is black in the moonlight
Around here the moon's always up
Around here the moon's always up
Around here the moon's always up
That's why I keep it out of sight
Reminded of that missed flight
Written all over the sky
Can't keep on wishing we could fly
Swirls in the corner of my eye catch my attention a bit too often
A bit more often than they ever used to
Are they your fault or mine?
I know what you told me
I know I have to listen
I know you speak the truth
What is left is to figure out how
Whatever can be cannot be now

8 Dec 2008
"eating fries is always an adventure"
Så ere.
Finaste någon sa;
I wanna lie somewhere in your room like a carpet. and do nothing but stare at the tv without rly realizing what's going on
cause that's what I feel like doing right now.
5 Dec 2008
Are You Afraid Of Leaving Tonight? Cause I Am, I'm Lost Without You.
But how do you believe.
Not over not over not over not over yet...
I think I know why I never liked the word believe.
I mean, you can't be sure of anything with it. And you'll say, well, that's the point of it.
And I'm not holding prejudice here, I tried it alright. I did.
I believed the crap out of it, and to make sure I tried everything I could do myself.
But it turned out as expected.
Not by me, but by how things should be.
It's interesting how things always work in opposites.
In this case from caring too much to not caring at all about anything.
It's a sad state, indeed, but atleast it spares me of disasters and such.
Yeah, it will effect things that need to be done. Since I won't care enough to get them done.
But since I don't care it doesn't really matter anyhow.
Until later. When I'm forced to care again.
Opposites you know.
I don't care for anything. I could stare at those words all day.
Feel like a walking dead, waiting for... something. Do dead people wait ?
I guess this is just what happens, when nothing works.
And when you give up
In the beginning there was nothing.
And in the end there will be nothing.
Only light.
3 Dec 2008
Welcome Home
No they cast down such a wonderful heat
Masking beauty
By a terrible fate
If you fly to close and then you turn too late
The night still confuses me
We'd all get tired and have to sleep eventually
Regardless of the sun's demands
Regardless if it made much sense
You moved so far that
I know how far
And then you got so sad that I,
I bought a car
And I will bring you home
I'll come get you
And I will bring you home
He said he was incomplete
He thinks true love's gonna get him back on his feet
He said you only find love once in your life
So I guess when you find it
You're gonna hold it right
You'll hold it right
Cos there's no sense in it at all
We all wait around
We wait for you to get tired and fall
She speaks clearly
He speaks loudly
I speak only clearly loudly
Yes she speaks clearly
He speaks loudly
I speak only clearly loudly
Yeah my shadow well it resumes with me
Yes my shadow well it was made for me
She told me love will come once in your life
So I guess when you find it
You're gonna hold it right
You're gonna hold it right
You hold it right

22 Nov 2008
I am afraid of everything
When you told me I was special
It was the happiest moment for a long long time.
- The Knife.
Been at the hospital all day. To recap, they stole my blood,
poked me and let me wait for about 5 hours all in all.
Cause Swedish medical shizz is awesome.
(Cause Blizzard response team is awesome)
Turns out I have something called glandular fever.
Which basically means your throat swells up like fuck, so you can't eat or drink.
And you have a fever. And your head hurts constantly. And blahblah.
Thing is, they can't do anything about it, and I'll just have to wait it out, which can take up to 3 weeks. Awesome.
They wanted me to stay at the hospital at first, but since I'm still able to force down soup and all, I got out of that one. Fucking hate hospitals. Firstly the smell, it's just so "hello, you're among 100's of sick people, enjoy :D"
Then the fact that everything's so sterile and white. And then the fact that if you have to stay there over a couple of nights you'll want to shoot yourself instead of getting better.
and oh, worst thing about this; try being hungry all the time without being able to eat : D
It's like a diet for fat people. I feel their pain.
20 Nov 2008
Did your moma never teach you to fuck off?
I have no experience of being a little starving African child, to compare with, so by my standards, I certainly am.
Having a fever on and off for two weeks atleast does things to you. If nothing else, you really can't be bothered with people - bothering you.
Not to worry, I'm not yet as self centered as to think that everyone else's world stops turning because I'm ill. So don't worry about that, I said.
Still, when they seak you up, just to nag, whine or be a pain in the ol' behind, I sit there with my 2-weeks-lasting-fever and realise I'm either going to put my head through the wall, or snap at them. Since I like my head more than the people at that moment, the outcome is pretty predictable.
All it does though, is to piss these people off, and if I'm lucky they will shut up until I'm well enough again to deal with their shit, and if I'm not so lucky they will continue their little crusade in my brain. That's when I start to wonder, did your mom never teach you to fuck off in time? Well it's just about time to learn then.
Fuck off, no hard feelings. If wanting to kill you is not considered hard feelings.
This thing I wrote a while ago. Felt like it should start this thing up pretty well.
Lucien Lucien Lucien Lucien
Not a wave on the mirror-like lake, not a breeze to disturb the expected
No one should have to mind
No one should have to be troubled
The roaring hole on the bottom of it all, it shouldn’t really be there.
Now you tell me everything is alright, that you don’t mind.
Waste my time.
This is where I am from, no one seems to know
It breeds Cold Blood, can I be blamed for wanting the heat I can’t produce?
Cold Blood, boil it, set fire to it, fill it with storms, explosions and the roaring ocean.
It is Cold Blood. Do you realise.
Won’t be boiled,
set fire to, filled with storms, explosions and the roaring ocean.You will have no reaction.
Quiet, quiet, quiet.
Silence being one thousand times worse any harm fire could do.
Calm impossible to disturb, relentless to all prayers of escapes for the clawing, scratching, pounding, hitting, stabbing.
Can you feel me? You have my envy, for I feel nothing.
Feel neither your heart nor mine.
Cold Blood, it won’t be ignited like this.
My name is Ater and I search for Lumen. I search for I need it to exist.
Lucien, find me, for I have no strength left to search for you.
You need me, my dearest, you need my tragedies for your life to exist.
That is where you are from, everyone seems to know
It breeds Warm Blood, can you be blamed for being born to ignite the Cold?
Warm Blood, find your way into my veins, for I wish I wasn’t what I am.
Your eternal leg iron.
Time pass by and I shall realise my place.
You will have time to find me. Just enough if you would want to.
When you don’t,
I will go to sleep. Cold Blood, keep me still, suffocate the clawing,
scratching, pounding, hitting, stabbing from the inside.
Keep me ever so still.
tumblr: http://crystalshipsdecoded.tumblr.com/
's what i did.
- clickclickclick.
- Min dröm är din nu..så länge hjärtat mitt slårså m...
- Kräm. så nära får ingen gå.Jag vill ha din ryggrad...
- >Awesomesauce for real.<
- Bexaggerated expressions ftwCso it shows through t...
- it's louder than the bombs when they come screamin...
- pseudo-romantic dreams boiling in my blood.
- Summer will come back my porcelain duck.
- 1969 Chevy Camaro Coupe 383 Stroker
- "eating fries is always an adventure"
- Are You Afraid Of Leaving Tonight? Cause I Am, I'm...
- Welcome Home