12 Jan 2009

everything is slipping, i stand by and watch, paralyzed from anxiety and thrills.

I'd bleed for you,
I'll cry for you.
Don't let me down
don't make a sound
don't throw it all away.

Like when you stand on a beach, and you stick your hands in the sand, and you cup your hands, and you pick some up. It just feels right, it's either cold or warm.
But you spread your fingers, and the sand falls through.
Why do you do that. Like really. Why.
You want to watch it fall away but when it's gone you want it back.
So you stick your hands in the sand again, and pick some up. It's either cold or warm.

i hate this gum i have.
it tastes mediocre.
and the taste goes away too fast.
Something about the Bürgerbräu Keller.
The Beer Hall Putsch.
outside gums fall from the sky.
they die when they hit the ground,
their everlasting flavour running down the streets.

I think I'm just insane.
No, for real.
I see this all the time.
No, not for real.
Just when I close my eyes. Sometimes.


Maja said...

du skriver så fint, and twisted and weird. I'll stick to my case. vi ses imorgon, jag ska inte vara hemma och vara sjuk, no sir-ie! <3<3

Cassie said...

good work<3 tack maja.

Anonymous said...

amg. yes, pretty. du skriver as bra. jag vill skriva mer på engelska, jasse hatar det och kommenterar inte då. inte för att hon gör det annars, or anyone else. jag är anonym. but you know who i am

Anonymous said...

tacksara<3 and you're not. i here by acknowledge your awesomeness.

tumblr: http://crystalshipsdecoded.tumblr.com/