22 Oct 2009

hejdå kisen.

15 Oct 2009

tokyo x 6


Reality shakes my hand like one of those people who always look at their feet.
I don't feel too good, can you hold my hair.
I'm always in love with a back.
The front just never meets expectations. you know.

I think about the face you'd make.
If you'd laugh. What you'd say. If you'd give me a hug.
When I walk down town. When I see myself in the train window.
When I act the way I do. When I twist my feet a little.
How you'd notice.
I think about that.
But then I realise I never met the person I keep imagining.

grattis maja, 18, lund, skåne, sverige GO GET HER.

Maja says:
ska ta o'boy
Cassie. says:
Maja says:
har inte gått än
Maja says:
orkar inte
Maja says:
fan va lat jag är.
Maja says:
Maja says:
ska försöka igen
Cassie. says:
Cassie. says:
Maja says:
har inte gått än, still
Cassie. says:
Maja says:
blev en kaviarmacka istället
Cassie. says:
hahahahha fyfan va snett det gick
Maja says:
eller hur då dricker man hellre inte o'boy
Cassie. says:
Cassie. says:
åh jag måste spara detta ngnstanns
Maja says:
spara vadå
Maja says:
du är en sån skata
Maja says:
som sparar
Maja says:
istället för att sno.
Cassie. says:
dig min vän. jag skatar dig.

paris let me in.

från här.

6 Oct 2009

slowmotion suicide

You don't know how you're coming across
You don't know what you're coming across
You don't know who you're coming across
You don't know how you're coming across
And I don't think that you're aware of the cost.

It doesn't matter.

tumblr: http://crystalshipsdecoded.tumblr.com/